Saturday 13 April 2019

Phone Addiction. A serious issue

Hello. It's been ages. I know. It has been hectic around me lately. I have also been very demotivated about writing, hence the long break from the blog. Some people however pushed my bombom by force and made me promise them to write. Top on the list is Tinu, my dear, because this issue affects a lot of people around her. My daughter also accused me of not inviting her to help me edit my posts. So, I told her that I have not been writing anything at all. She then said she was not going to sleep until we discussed my next topic. She gave me a few tips and here I am now writing so that all you fine people can read.

The advent of technology is a very good thing. I am sure that children born in the 2000s can not understand how we lived without mobile phones. They simply cannot relate. It is a singular most efficient tool in the last century if you ask me. This is because, a mobile phone offers you much more than "hello, hello". Apart from using it to make calls, you can send and receive SMS, emails and other messaging apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter etc all in an instant. You will even see when the recipient has read it. It has brought the whole world closer to us especially with the internet. Gone are the days of sleeping in a cybercafe in order to access an email. It also has applications that work as reminders, diary, clock, calendar to mention a few.

We have really come a long way. I remember when I was younger than this, we were always out of connection during dry season with the defunct NITEL network. We lived in a new area which was populated with rats and rodents. People who wanted to kill rats would then burn the bush in the area for ease of access to the rats.😇😅😅  All the NITEL cable above the burning bush would melt patapata and that would be the end for that season. Even if you repaired that portion, they would burn another segment. Then you would have to go and bring the NITEL official to mend the wires again and again which was why my dad would postpone repairs till the rainy season.

So, back to the issue of mobile phones. This invention has made life easier for us all. It saves one money and wastage. Imagine having to travel to see someone in another state only to meet the person's absence. Everyone is just one phone click away now. It has also made information to be at our finger tips now. God bless Google!😎 if you need anything, just ask Google. One of my sisters would say, "e bi ifa leere" meaning, Ask the oracle.😃

In lieu of this, our lives have been so dependent on the phone. A lot of us cannot bear to leave our phones for a second. You will even keep checking Whatsapp or Facebook to see if you have a new message. That is an addiction if you ask me. In as much as the mobile devices have helped in shaping our world, it has also wrecked havoc in the lives of so many people. A lot of children have lost their future due to long hours spent on the phone instead of reading or studying. They have also lost the art of befriending people normally and social interactions. Kids would rather be on the phone chatting with faceless people than actually talking to someone seated right beside them! This is a serious epidemic!😒😒😑😔

Marriages nko! How many homes are broken now because of phones. Uncountable! Why would husband and wife be together in the same room for hours and not actually spend the time together. Husband is on his device while Wife is on hers. Hehehehe! husband would laugh out every now and then, while wife would wonder what made him laugh only for an instant before she is distracted by another hot gist on WhatsApp. Wives would forget to cook or even pick children from school because she spent all day on Instagram following Stars and monitoring their lives like "monitoring spirit." She may even also demand that husband gives her all the glamorous things she saw online when he could barely afford the rent. She would be oblivious of the fact that people only shared their best moments. Not only that, people share a lot of lies online. These issues have led to the breakdown of various homes.

Researches done have documented hazards associated with prolonged phone use. They include but are not limited to the following:

  • Traffic accidents: both pedestrian and vehicle accidents 
  • Eye Problems
  • Brain tumours and headaches due to the radiation from radio-frequency
  • Electromagnetic interference
  • Poor interactive skills

My advice is that the use of phones should be greatly reduced. Use the device only when you absolutely need to do so. Do not let the phone take over your life. Spend quality time with the people you love and not with faceless people.

Till next time Friends, its bye for now.

Note: All Pictures from Facebook.