Thursday 14 November 2013

How To Look Good Naked

Hi friends! I promised to walk you through November with tips about weight loss. But before we venture into this interesting stage, let us know what we are dealing with first of all.
Today I want to discuss an entity called obesity.

 This is a condition characterised by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. This is both a nutritional and medical problem.
- Nutritional problem because it connotes overnutrition which is a form of malnutrition.
- Medical problem as it has been linked to a number of health risks, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes mellitus etc.
The picture below summarises the disadvantages of obesity.

How do we classify obesity
We usually classify obesity using the WHO classification which makes use of Body Mass Index (BMI), but it may also be classified using the following:
 - waist / hip ratio
 - waist circumference 
 - hip circumference, 
In younger children, mid upper arm circumference, head circumference etc may be done.

Body Mass Index
This is calculated using both weight and height of the individual. The unit is kg/ m2.
Thus BMI= weight(kg)/ height2 (m2).
It is important to know your BMI as this will guide you in your weight loss program. 
Below is the WHO classification of obesity based on BMI.

Underweight.   = <18kg/m2
Normal weight = 18-24.9kg/m2
Overweight.     = 25-29.9kg/m2
Obesity class 1= 30-34.9kg/m2
Obesity class 2= 35-39.9kg/m2
Morbid Obesity=>40kg/m2

Please note that morbid obesity means that the obesity has become a disease.
So, today step on your weighing scale to check your weight, get someone to help check your height, then calculate your BMI to know which level you are. Then we can go on into the next stage of losing the weight.

I watched a program recently on TLC about 42 stone mom. She was a Haitian woman with 6 daughters and divorced. She weighed 625lb (284kg). How is that healthy for goodness sakes. It got so bad she was confined to the bed permanently yet she didn't stop eating. She practically ate herself to death. She did not comply with healthy diet. She just kept eating and eating and gained more weight (of course) and the doctor out of compassion for her took her in for gastric bypass surgery at weight 689lb (313kg). While she was in recovery she called 911 that they should rescue her! Unfortunately she died shortly after. Imagine that. 
Below is a typical picture of an obese person eating as usual. You would say why eat?  And a hot dog at that! But that is what big people do best. They eat and eat instead of trying to burn the calories.

 I know that might be to the extreme but as long as you eat any food you don't need, you are indirectly killing yourself. It is not unusual here in Nigeria to drink an Orobo bottle of coke after downing a full plate of food just to show how affluent you are. You have just drank enough calories to last you a whole day on top of a full plate packed with calories as well!
  It is imperative for us to adopt healthy lifestyles and you can start by substituting all your beverages with water. Yes, water. Water is life and it does not add any calories. It even helps to flush out your whole system. So, drink at least three(3) litres per day.

We shall continue from here next time peeps. Thanks for your time. Love you lots


  1. How do someone burn belly ave a flat tommy

    1. Hi dear. Thanks for reading. To burn belly fat, you need to work on the abdominal muscles by doing a lot of sit-ups, other exercises that target abdominal muscles. Do not eat after 6pm and if you do it must only be fruits. Generally though when you lose the overall body weight your belly fat reduces. But to achieve a firm belly, pls try above. Google belly exercises too. Thanks.
