Monday 18 November 2013

How To Look Good Naked part 2

Hi friends, howdy. Hope you are all fine. Thanks once again for visiting the blog, for your comments and for helping to share.

While I was looking for a topic for this piece last week, I stumbled on a the title 'how to look good naked' and I decided to use it. I did because it made so much sense to me.
When I was big, I cried one day to my brother who promised to link me up with someone selling weight loss products. To cut the story short, I was offered a body girdle which would make me wear clothes 2 sizes less. The offer was tempting though expensive! I would be able to get into smaller clothes! Wow!
  I was almost committing myself when my mind just told me that it meant I would always look good only when wearing clothes. But when I am naked what would I look like? My old fat self! Nooooo!  I wanted to look good both in clothes and naked. That sealed it for me. 
 I am not saying you should not try all those things but you must understand the arithmetics of losing weight. It is strictly about what you put inside you (by eating or drinking) and how much of those calories you burn. C'est finis. No more no less. Do not be deceived with the many options that may be offered to you. Mind you those offers are much more expensive than what you really need.
When I came across someone selling slimming tea and capsules, she told me I had to use them religiously for two weeks that I would see changes. With hope in my mind and my brain shut down( I guess!), I took the regimen as prescribed. Only for me to step on my scale after two weeks and to God be the glory, I had added 2 kg! I shouted yeeeeeee, mo gbe, ki l'eleyi. I then called the woman who sold it to me and she said I should try it for longer time that probably my body was just getting used to it. See marketing strategy o! She wanted to sell more to me. That was when my brain woke up from deep slumber and the scientist in me decided to query the components of the drugs I was taking. I felt like an idiot when i found out that the supposed weight losing drugs I had been taking were actually vitamin supplements for convalescent people! Just imagine that. So be wise when buying such products.
 Losing weight is not an easy thing. It's a lot more easy to gain weight than it is to lose weight except in a few cases like disease, famine, war, mourning which we do not pray for. Having that at the back of our minds, I guess it won't be out of place to drum it into our ears that losing weight requires above all determination and perseverance. If you are looking for a shortcut, then you are not ready to lose the weight. You have to be very disciplined. See this as a mission to be completed. Set a monthly goal and a yearly goal that must be met. Do not set unrealistic goals.
  For example if you weigh 100kg today, you may not lose more than 1 kg per week depending on your weight loss methods which means you will only lose 4kg in a month. You can not say you must lose about 20kg at all costs and drive yourself to death. You have to go about it systematically. Afterall, the weight was not added in one day.
 We must not also forget to consider genetics. We are products of both nature and nurture. While we may be able to effect changes with nurture, we may not be able to do much about nature. Consider people like Queen Latifah or Khloe Kardashian, no matter the amount of workouts or dietary modifications they may do, they still remain big due to their genetics. But you would see that despite the weight they look very fit. That is to tell you that even though you may not lose the weight, it is very important that you be fit. The diagram last week highlighted the different diseases that may result from obesity, so being physically fit goes a long way in preventing those deadly diseases.
  Now to the business of the day which I know my friends have been "impatiently" waiting for. Lol.
As earlier said, to lose weight there is no other recipe than the following TWO:

- Diet

Today I will talk on diet and then we will conclude next week with the exercise.


The following are important in your choice of diet.
- Do not restrict yourself to just a particular diet:called FAD diets. if you do, you are likely to be non-compliant and go back to your old way of eating because you would miss all the lovely food so much that the idea of weight loss would be repulsing compared to what you are missing.
- What kind of activity do you do? Are you active or sedentary? A sedentary lifestyle obviously requires less food than the person who is active because you are not using anything you are eating.
- Determine how many calories you need daily and make sure you do not exceed it. I would like you to go to There you can log in any food you are about to eat and it will sum up the calories in it for you. You don't have to worry about our local diets like amala, majority of our foods have been included. DO NOT EXCEED YOUR DAILY CALORIC INTAKE. To lose one kg, you must have lost 7000 calories. So if you can remove 500 calories from your daily consumption, you will lose a minimum of 0.5kg per week.
- Take a lot of water. Water is beneficial to you in the sense that it rehydrated you and prevents dehydration and keeps your kidneys in good shape. Then if you drink water, your stomach sends signals to your brain that it is full and thereby  preventing hunger. This is a very effective method of staying off food.
- Take a lot of fruits and vegetables. They are filling. They help digest food because of the high fibre content and cleanse the bowels. At this stage you are advised to reduce your portion of food to a quarter of its normal size and fill the rest up with fruits and vegetables.
- Stay off pastries and processed foods: Do you know that if I eat 2 meat pies I would add 2 kg? That is because the meat pie dough is basically flour and butter which have high caloric contents. You can do without it. The calory in each pie is probably enough to carry you for a whole day but it won't satiate your hunger giving the need to eat more food which you actually do not need.
- Stop taking soft drinks. You need to stop taking processed drinks e.g coke, juice, nutri c etc. they are packed with calories even when they write on them "no sugar" . You can do without them. I did. I used to love coke so much that I could beg a beggar to give me the one he was drinking! In short I was addicted. But now I can tell you the number of months I have been off coke proudly!
- Do not eat after 6p.m . Your body mechanisms rest when you go to bed. So do not eat late into the night so that the food can be properly digested before you sleep.
- Do not starve yourself. Starving may make you lose the weight initially but later your body recognises it as normal and then the weight becomes static. Besides you need a minimum amount of calories per day to function. The brain, eyes, muscles etc all need the calories to work perfectly.

Myself as case study.
I have a sedentary lifestyle and when I calculated my daily intake, it was just 1200 calories that I needed per day. I chose my food carefully. I wouldn't eat indomie because 1 super pack size had 623 calories excluding the egg or fish or meat or pepper, sweet corn, baked beans and green peas that I would add. If I ate it I would have eaten about 800calories at once which would not carry me throughout the day. So I chose a simple breakfast e.g quarter cup of rice with plenty vegetables and fruits with fish which would amount to only 280 calories. I would then fill my tommy with water and say bye to hunger for the next 6-8 hours. Lunch with amala and plenty soup to fill the tommy. Snack on apple or watermelon. A very light supper if need be. Any food I do not eat before 6 would have to wait till tomorrow.

I hope that my method won't be too hard to try out. But if you do try it, you will be glad you did.we shall convene soonest to discuss the different exercises that you can try.

Thanks so much.

1 comment:

  1. Good work u av Dr B. I and my hubby av been on dis diet routine no food after 6pm. But we take apple any time we are hungry and its working marvelously.
