Monday 16 December 2013

How To Look Good Naked part 3

Hi friends. I am so glad to be back. I hope you are too. I am going to conclude this series today. I hope the previous episodes did some wonders in your life as it did for me.

Last time we talked about the two main components of achieving weight loss and we dwelt on DIET. Today we are discussing the second component which is EXERCISE.  Diet and exercise are like the two sides of the same coin. They both help to achieve the same goal and it is always better to to engage in both.

Studies now agree that exercise is essential for weight loss, and for keeping weight down once the ideal has been reached. As part of a healthy lifestyle, exercise has many benefits, and there are good reasons for maintaining an exercise regime even if you are not overweight. There are many different types of exercise for weight loss, including aerobic exercise, strength training, and ‘stamina’.
Some people may argue that only dietary modification works for them but I still implore you to try out some form of exercise no matter how small. Exercises help to tone our muscles, rids it of excess fat, it also protects the heart ( it is cardio-protective), and makes one to be fit for anything whatsoever. God forbid, if there's an emergency now, let it not be that it is because you can not run that is why something bad happened to you.

Below are some of the exercises that you can engage in. If you have any heart disease, it is important that you discuss with your doctor before starting out on the exercise.

AEROBICS - sometimes known as cardio exercise, this activity raises the heart rate, which causes the body to burn more energy. In order to work to the best of its powers, aerobic exercise must be performed at least five times a week, for around 20 minutes a time, in order to maximise the fuel-burning time. There are many different ways to achieve an aerobics workout – treadmills and stationary bikes, for example; running is perhaps the most commonly used form of aerobic training, although it does carry a higher risk of injury. Walking is also very good and it does not tire one easily as running does.

STRENGTH TRAINING – this improves and increases muscle mass and metabolism through exercise. Building muscle is a very necessary part of weight loss, as muscles burn calories faster than other types of cell in the body; they are a significant part of maintaining weight loss after a diet has ended. Strength training is often done with weights or using resistance bands (strength training is often known as resistance training). Without weights or exercise machines, the body itself can be used as the resistance device, for example in squats, steps, push-ups, and other floor exercises. 

STAMINA – Often known as interval training, it is often used in order to improve the cardiac health of a person, and to improve their strength and muscle mass. Sports that combine aerobics and strength training include activities such as Martial arts such as tae bo or kickboxing; Hiking or hill climbing; Swimming; Boxing; Basketball; Baseball etc 

Another way to combine the two types of exercise for weight loss is to use interval training, which combines aerobics and strength/weight training in the same exercise program. For example, 8 seconds of high-intensity training on a bike, followed by 20 seconds of moderate intensity, for example sit ups or bicep curls. The body expends a lot of energy in the high-intensity sessions, and then ‘recovers’ during the lower intensity activity; this is considered useful in preventing injury, and the body also burns calories faster during interval sessions, so that 20 minutes of interval work can burn as much fat as 40 minutes of single intensity exercise. There is some evidence to suggest that using both types of exercise for weight loss actually helps people to eat less; aerobic and strength training together cause people to consume less food – aerobics users only may stop eating fat, but they often replace this with other foods, and strength training only doesn’t affect the diet at all – so a combination of these well-known types of exercise for weight loss also results in the best changes in diet, too. 


When I tried out some of the workouts like push-ups , squats and floor exercises, I found out that my weight increased. I was then told that it was because i was building muscle. This was saddening as I just wanted the weight to drop. I then went online to see what else I could do that would just make me go down. And so I stumbled on walking. Yes, WALKING. As simple as it sounds it works wonders. I found out that to maintain our normal body weight we ought to take at least 10000 steps a day. For someone like me with a sedentary lifestyle, I hardly did that. This geared me to at least try it out. I did.  I walked briskly, taking 10000 steps a day in one hour. And I have a success story to share! You may give it a trial too. It's so wonderful. It even gives you a chance to connect with your inner self, plan, and be refreshed. Do you also know that for 30 minutes after walking, you still continue burning energy. That is the wonder of walking.

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