Monday 14 July 2014


This is an excerpt from my book on pregnancy. Happy reading....

......Again, if two lie together, then they have heat:but how can one be warm alone? Ecclesiastes 4:11(KJV)_
These are the words of the bible not mine.

 Sex in pregnancy is a very big issue. It has caused so much trouble in many homes. That is why I feel it should be addressed.
  Let us be judges for one moment. Lets us listen to different sides of the same story.
First scenario:
A Man complains that he dreads his wife being pregnant because he would be starved of sex. His wife tells him that the reason was because she didnt want her baby eating the husband's sperm. The man knows she is lying and he is frustrated. He wonders why his wife is denying him of his God given right!
Second scenario:
A woman complains that her husband keeps disturbing her for sex. He  has it too easy. That is why he can even think of sex in the first place. She is in pains, uncomfortable. She can not sleep well. Instead of her husband to be helping out by giving her a total body massage, he is thinking of having sex. Can he not see what she is going through?

We have to understand that humans are sexual beings. The fact that you are pregnant does nothing to reduce your husbands desire for you. Some men are even more turned on by the sight of their pregnant wives!
  You may have lost your libido due to the pregnancy but he has not lost his. If you do not want him in the arms of someone else try to work around this issue by talking about it. Let him understand how you feel. You probably had a rough first trimester, a better second trimester and a dragging third trimester. You may be irritable and even hate the sight of your husband but try and see things from his point of view too. He is suffering though in silence.
  You must know that sex is visual for men. Temptations abound all round for him. The only reason he is asking you for it is because he is not looking for it else where. An average man has a sexual cycle of 30 days only. It is hard for men to be celibate for more than 30 days. This is not his fault. It is human nature.
  As a general rule, a good sex position for pregnant sex is one where:

-both partners are physically comfortable
-the position allows for the kind of sex and physical contact you want to have
-both partners avoid putting pressure on the uterus, or a partner’s full weight on a pregnant belly.
Beyond this, figuring out pregnancy sex positions requires some creativity, a sense of humor, and often lots of pillows. It may also mean abandoning penetration if it isn’t working, and finding other ways to please each other and please yourself.

You are advised to try out new and creative sex positions comfortable for you. This will add some spice to the whole act. Let it not be like a chore. a lot of foreplay will go a long way to help out. 

 While many women have reduced libido, a lot of women also have high libido. If you do, do not feel awkward. Discuss with your spouse. You can also try out new sex positions. 
The following pregnancy sex positions may be useful for you.
-The spooning sex position can be very comfortable as there is no pressure on your abdomen and you have lots of movement. Your partner can position themselves behind you at different angles to allow for penetration. Avoid lying on your right side in this position.
-The side by side sex position allows for more equal physical contact than spooning, but penetration can be a bit trickier. You can cross your legs over each others and this may help. As with spooning, this position can be very comfortable as no one is feeling the weight of the other partner’s body.
-The woman on top sex position offers the benefit of you being in control of the depth and angle of penetration. Later in the pregnancy you may find this position more tiring, and if balance is a concern you may prefer a lying down position, but others find this the ideal position.
-The rear entry sex position is said to be good for g-spot stimulation and can be a comfortable change as it’s a position you aren’t in that often. This position can either be done on a bed, or modified as a version of the next sex position.
-The edge of the bed sex position offers many possibilities for greater comfort during pregnancy. You can lie on the bed (on your side, or briefly on your back) at the edge of the bed and your partner can be off the bed, either on their knees or standing up. Combined with the rear entry position, you can be off the bed on your knees (with a pillow underneath them) and rest your upper torso on the bed, with your belly off the bed.

   Sex on the whole is healthy in pregnancy except when otherwise indicated. There is a hormone called Relaxin. In the male, it is produced in the prostate and is present in human semen.In the female, it is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary, the breast and, during pregnancy, also by the placenta, chorion, and decidua.Its function is to mediate the hemodynamic changes that occur during pregnancy, such as increased cardiac output, increased renal blood flow, and increased arterial compliance. It also relaxes other pelvic ligaments. It is believed to soften the pubic symphysis which makes the delivery process easier. Sex has its advantage after all!
 Women with history of bleeding in both previous and present pregnancy should consult their doctor to decide whether sex is safe for them or not.

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