Wednesday 1 July 2015


Helło peeps. How did your day go. I pray we all have a restful night.

Today, I just want to entertain you with some misconceptions about stroke (cerebrovascular accident). It occurs commonly around us nowadays which was not so in the past. Our parents and grandparents can testify to that fact. It is a disease that we have imported into our society due to the kind of lifestyles we have now. I will in the next few write-ups try to dissect this terrible disease which has worked its way into our society.

The reason why this deadly disease seems to be getting an upper hand is because of our attitude to it. Anything we can not explain, we are eager to give the credits to "aye". When stroke strikes, the next thing you hear is that it is due to "hand". Not that there is no "hand" but it's not at all times that "hand" is responsible.


Sit back, relax and enjoy this fictional story before you visit dreamland. Thanks.

Pastor Miracle recently turned 60. It was a glorious event. You should have been there for the thanksgiving service. There was nothing like it. The spirit flowed majestically ehn! And everyone was blessed. A lot of sick people got there breakthrough.

The pastor was richly blessed. It just showed that if you truly believe in God, all things would be rosy for you. Pastor Miracle was just an example of God's favour. Everybody prayed to God using him as a point of contact. He had been in ministry for more than half of his lifetime. He was already casting and binding sef before he met his amiable wife, Mummy-in-the-Lord. They had two sons who were both happily married too.

Anyone who had ever heard the pastor speak would want to listen to him again. He was an orator and people all over the world invited him for programmes and crusades. There was no limits to where r he could go since he had all the wheels of evangelism literally including a private jet.

He was returning from a 3-day revival in Togo on that fateful day. He was already tired  but he had promised a local church he would join them for their vigil. He hated disappointing people. So, he went there straight from the airport and he was just in time for his message. He went up the altar, collected the microphone and bellowed " Prrraaiissee the Lord". Shouts of "Halleluyah" rent the air. 

The pastor shouted on the top of his voice again "prrrraaiiisseee, prrraaaaiiisseeee, prrrrr......." And he slumped. The whole church was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone froze. It was only after a few seconds that someone rushed to him shouting "Pastor ", and asked someone to call for a doctor. He was rushed to a nearby hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival. It was a very sad incident.

Back at the church, people gathered in twos and threes with only one thing in their minds and on their lips, " the witches in their town were too hot. They succeeded in 'eating' Pastor Miracle". Oh! What a waste.............

Let me wish you a lovely night. We shall talk more some other time. Hopefully soon. Ciao

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